Learning and development
Care Certificate and personal assistants
Frequently asked questions about personal assistants doing the Care Certificate.
Core and mandatory training
Refreshing learning isn’t a ‘tick box’ exercise to repeat or reconfirm prior learning. There are different reasons why individual employers or personal assistants need to refresh their learning, for example to be up to date with the best ways of doing things, a change in equipment or health/care need, to ensure competency or because refresher training is recommended after a certain amount of time. This Skills for Care guide sets out recommended training and suggested timeframes for refreshing training.
Delivering learning for individual employers and personal assistants: a guide for learning providers
This Skills for Care guide aimed at learning providers, shares useful information about delivering learning for individual employers and their personal assistants.
Essential training
Three funded packages of learning are available from Skills for Care endorsed learning providers. Find out more about rapid induction programme, refresher training and volunteer programmes, all of which can be accessed by individual employers.
Finding a learning provider
A key part of selecting the right learning package for individual employers and personal assistants is finding the right learning provider. Skills for Care Endorsement recognises learning providers who deliver high quality learning and development to the social care sector. Click here to search for a learning provider.
Funded training available via user led organisations
Skills for Care has awarded funding to disabled people's user led organisations (ULO funding) to deliver training for individual employers and their personal assistants. Find out more about the funded training on offer and how to connect with the organisations.
Guide to choosing a learning provider
Choosing a learning provider is an important decision to make. This Skills for Care guide includes a checklist that can help you choose the right learning provider.
Individual employer funding
Individual employers can apply to Skills for Care for money to pay for training to increase their knowledge and skills as an employer, and those of their personal assistants. Organisations supporting individual employers can direct them to Individual employer funding and support them with their applications. Full guidance and application form are available to download.