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Skills for Care hosts local and national events and networks to support the adult social care sector with their workforce development needs.
Search for events in your local area by region and by topic. If you're looking for network event in your area and can't find it on the listing below, please contact your locality manager.
Showing 1 to 10 of 46
Online event
What does artificial intelligence mean to me? - for principal occupational therapists only
We’ll explore what artificial intelligence (AI) is, the opportunities which it offers and the ethical considerations around its use. We’ll share real life case studies where AI is already in use in social care.
Evidencing CQC safe and effective staffing through workforce planning
This seminar for CQC regulated services will help you meet multiple areas of CQC assessment focus around workforce planning.
Being prepared for CQC assessment seminar
An interactive seminar for services who want to understand the practical ways to be ready for their CQC assessment.
L5 Principles of Commissioning Wellbeing qualification: Information session
This session provides information about the generic version of this qualification and that contextualised specifically for learning disability and autism. Learn about the cost, hear from the trainers and asks any questions you have.
The Quality Assured Care Learning Service
Discover how the Quality Assured Care Learning service ensures accessible, high-quality training that meets the needs of the workforce and those who rely on care and support.
Take a virtual tour of the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS)
Have you ever wondered what’s involved in using the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set? Join us to see first-hand the tools and benefits that your organisation could be missing out on! This session is designed to give social care providers who do not yet have an ASC-WDS account a demonstration of how the service works. Care providers who already use ASC-WDS may wish to join to be reminded of how they can make the most of their account. 20,000 care providers already use ASC-WDS and can access a range of benefits including: Eligibility for funding opportunities. Record information about your staff. Manage your training records. Define mandatory training for each role. Receive alerts when training is expired or expiring soon. Benchmark your service against similar providers. Access discounts and offers from Skills for Care and endorsed training providers. Allow us to create vital intelligence which is used by sector stakeholders and decision makers. This webinar will be run on Zoom.
Commissioner masterclass - Getting co-production working for commissioners
Learn about the value of co-production, how it can be applied and how commissioners can overcome barriers to working in co-production.
Digital leadership - for occupational therapists only
Find out what we mean by “digital leadership” and why it’s important. We’ll discuss the role of digital champions in the workplace and the role of dedicated TEC teams, as well as continuous professional development and workplace wellbeing.
North west nominated individual network
Network meeting for nominated individuals in the north west region which will focus on making digital technology work for your organisation and people who draw on your care and support.
National learning exchange for delegated healthcare activities #5
Join this learning exchange to ask questions and share experiences of introducing and embedding the delegated healthcare activities guiding principles into practice.
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