What we did:
Ensured that senior managers are highly visible and proactively engage with staff at all organisational levels.
Why we did it:
To support staff and take them on Darlington’s journey, which has a strong focus on culture to support and encourage staff to be adventurous in the practice.
How we did it:
Social Care staff met regularly with members of the leadership team through staff forums and carousels where there was an opportunity to collectively discuss and agree priorities and plan the actions to achieve these.
Workloads were carefully managed by forward planning to ensure that reviews are allocated evenly throughout the year and that the relevant resources were available. Leaders have created a culture that encourages high challenge and good support.
The results:
This has helped create a strong sense of shared vision and allows for joint problem solving. Managers are very clear about the culture they wish to encourage and invest their time in; “Knowing Ourselves, Knowing our Outcomes, Knowing our Children, Knowing our Adults”. There is recognition of the importance of good staff support mechanisms.
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