
Skills for Care

A delegated healthcare activity is an activity that a regulated healthcare professional, such as a nurse, nursing associate, occupational therapist or speech and language therapist, delegates to a care worker or personal assistant. 

Upcoming events

Learning exchange for delegated healthcare activities 

Tuesday 11 March 2025 | 10:30 - 12:00

The last in our series of six learning exchanges will look at the variations in systems' approaches to delegating healthcare activities and building cross system relationships. The session will be an opportunity to share and learn with others who are navigating cross-system relationships with delegated healthcare.

Register for this learning exchange


Are you an individual employer involved in delegated healthcare activities? Join our network to share your experiences and learn from others.

Find out more and how to get involved


Guiding principles and supporting resources

The guiding principles for delegated healthcare activity were co-developed in May 2023 and have been refreshed in November 2024 following an independent evaluation. They contain four key areas to ensure that delegation is person-centred, clinically appropriate, safe and effective.

Whilst the guiding principles are there to support person-centred, safe and effective delegation of healthcare activities, our evaluation of the principles highlighted the complexity of decision-making across the integrated health and social care system and that situations and challenges will arise that are outside of the scope of the principles.


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Read our summary evaluation report into the guiding principles. It found that they are being used to help deepen knowledge and confidence of delegation, make better decisions about delegation and establish new conversations and relationships with people drawing on care and support and with health colleagues.


Blog: Delegated healthcare: the journey continues

Read a joint blog from Professor Oonagh Smyth, CEO Skills for Care and Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse Adult Social Care in the Department of Health and Social Care. They reflect on the continued importance of delegated healthcare activities and tell us about changes made to the guiding principles following an evaluation into how they are being used.

Read the blog


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The voluntary guiding principles include how to create the right conditions for delegation and highlight the importance of a person-centred approach and putting the person at the heart of decision-making.
PDF - 7.95MB
Download the printable easy read version of the delegated healthcare activities guiding principles.
PDF - 3.02MB
Download the screen accessible easy read version of the delegated healthcare activities guiding principles.

Overview of the guiding principles

This short animated video provides an overview of the guiding principles.

Duration 3 mins 30 secs


Registered manager webinar: Delegated healthcare activities

Watch our webinar for social care managers for an introduction to the voluntary guiding principles for delegated healthcare activities and supporting resources. You'll find out from Skills for Care and those using the principles about practical ways for you to apply them within your service.

Duration 57 mins 36 secs


PowerPoint - 53.2 Mb

This powerpoint presentation is designed to help introduce the principles and supporting resources within your own organisation and includes short video clips of Registered Managers talking about their experience of delegation.

PDF - 241 Kb

This report shares the key findings from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) sector engagement to support implementation of the guiding principles.