
Skills for Care

Discover how to submit a good and effective Quality Assured Care Learning Service application that is likely to be accepted first time.

Quality assured care learning service - what makes a good application

Date: Thursday 27 March 2025

Time: 11:00 – 12:00 

Location: Zoom  

Book your place 



The quality standards developed are a bespoke measure of quality learning and development for the adult social care workforce. They are designed to set a benchmark for quality training delivery and support employers to make informed choices. To achieve the quality standards, training providers will have to provide evidence which meets the quality standards designed for all training providers delivering to the adult social care sector. 

This workshop will explore what makes a good quality application and explain in depth how to provide quality evidence. We will be sharing examples of what other services have done to acheive quality assurance and answering any questions about the application process.

Find out more about the Quality Assured Care Learning Service.


Learning outcomes

  • Understand what the QACLS are expecting to see in your application.
  • Understand what a good application and what good-quality evidence looks like.
  • Learn how to submit an application that gets accepted first time.


Who should attend?

Training providers and organisations who are eligible to have their training courses and/or qualifications quality assured through the Quality Assured Care Learning Service. Check your eligibilty



Quality assured care learning service - what makes a good application

  • Date: Thursday 27 March
  • Time: 11:00 – 12:00 
  • Location: Zoom   

Book your place today


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