Join us at the ASYE conference 2025 where our topic is 'The role of supervision and wellbeing in the retention of NQSWs'.
ASYE conference 2025
The role of supervision and wellbeing in the retention of NQSWs
Tuesday 18 March | 10:30 – 15:00 | Zoom
Book your place
A newly qualified social worker’s (NQSW’s) experience of an ASYE programme can influence their decision about applying for a permanent position or seeking employment outside of the agency. Retention in social work is currently a ‘hot’ topic with high turnover rates, which has implications for the delivery of social work services.
At the conference, we’ll be exploring some of the complexities and dilemmas of the role of supervision and wellbeing in the retention of NQSWs. We’ll share experiences, explore scenarios and work on solutions including having ‘challenging’ conversations.
Our keynote speakers will be Sarah McClinton, Chief Social Worker for Adults and Jo Finch, Professor of Social Work and Research, Suffolk University.
- An introduction to focusing: Empowering self-awareness and reflection
- Good practice example - NQSW retention
- The importance of wellbeing, supervision and EDI in the workplace
- Intermediary work with NQSWs and assessors: Challenging conversations
The conference is for ASYE co-ordinators, principal social workers or equivalent senior manager roles. It may also be of interest to ASYE assessors working with NQSWs.