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Skills for Care hosts local and national events and networks to support the adult social care sector with their workforce development needs.
Search for events in your local area by region and by topic. If you're looking for network event in your area and can't find it on the listing below, please contact your locality manager.
Showing 1 to 9 of 9
Online event
Digital skills, learning and self-assessments for adult social care
This webinar is designed for registered managers in adult social care looking to enhance their digital skills and support digital learning within their teams. Hosted by Skills for Care, this session will introduce two new online self-assessments launching on the Digitising Social Care website.
Evidencing CQC safe and effective staffing through workforce planning
A targeted seminar for CQC-regulated services, designed to support workforce planning and help meet key areas of CQC assessment focus effectively.
Person centred delegated healthcare activities through a social care lens
Join this workshop for people who work in Integrated Care Systems and the health sector for an understanding of government policy and thinking about delegation and delegated healthcare activities.
Creating a positive workplace culture seminar
Secure your place on this transformative session and create a workplace culture that supports inclusivity, compassion and collaboration.
Quality assured care learning service - what makes a good application
Discover how to submit a good and effective Quality Assured Care Learning Service application that is likely to be accepted first time.
DBS workshop 1 - disclosure
This workshop is for anyone involved in recruitment in adult social care in the Midlands. Led by Lizzie Whittington, DBS Regional Outreach Adviser, the session will cover the need-to-know details of DBS checks, from how the relevant legislation affects what level of check is right for a certain role to how to respond to disclosure information on a DBS certificate.
Becoming a Director of Adult Social Services programme
This new programme, in partnership with NDTi, is designed specifically for aspiring Director of Adult Social Services (DASSs) who are ready to take the next step in their leadership journey.
Becoming a director in social care programme
This new programme, in partnership with NDTi, is designed specifically for those aspiring to become a director in an adult social care organisation and are ready to take the next step in their leadership journey.
DBS Workshop 2 - barring
This workshop is for anyone involved in recruitment in adult social care in the Midlands. Lizzie Whittington, Regional Outreach Adviser for DBS in the East Midlands, will explain what the legal duty is for such organisations to make DBS barring referrals and what the process to place someone on the barred list entails.
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