
Skills for Care

This learning resource supports adult social care employers meet the Data Security Protection Toolkit basic awareness needs for the frontline workforce.

The three videos for frontline staff have been developed to be used in team meetings or group learning sessions with a facilitator, e.g. registered manager or inhouse trainer, to encourage discussion and commitment to team and individual actions.

Each video is split into topic areas, watch each section and discuss/answer the on-screen questions. Each section can be watched individually or during one session.

The Q&A Guidance for Managers and Facilitators  can support you to facilitate the session and includes a summary of the animations and links to further guidance and resources to support you and your staff team to continue with their learning and embed good practice.


Data and cyber security: introductory learning resource for managers

An introduction to the 10 steps of General Data Protection Regulations. It contains information on passwords and keeping devices safe, protecting mobile devices, backing up your data and managing security relationships with suppliers.

Duration 20 mins




Data and cyber security: introductory learning resource for frontline workers

Gain a basic understanding of data breaches and the steps you can take to reduce them, including how to use passwords to secure devices, logging in and out of systems and several top tips on how to use email safely.

Duration 10 mins




Six golden rules - General Data Protection Regulations learning resource for frontline staff

This video covers what personal data is and the six golden rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Duration 10 mins 15 secs



The animations included within the videos were funded by Digital Social Care and created by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council with the support of the Institute of Public Care, Oxford Brookes University. They’ve been adapted by Skills for Care with the permission of Digital Social Care.