
Skills for Care

Refreshing knowledge and skills in a variety of topic areas based on a review of legislation, guidelines, statutory guidance, standards and recommendations.

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Produced in partnership with a panel of social care employers, learning providers and representative organisations and was updated in line with CQC’s revised inspection framework.


Refreshing your learning

Refreshing learning isn’t a ‘tick box’ exercise to repeat or reconfirm prior learning. There are different reasons why a worker needs to refresh their learning which are explored:

Introduction of new legislation or new best practice

Workers must be up-to-date with current legislation and best practice and trained in how to apply this to their work.

Introduction of a new risk

This could include new equipment, a change to the environment, policy, procedure, or service delivery method; someone accessing care developing additional support needs; or a new client with different needs.


In some cases, refresher training is required or recommended at specific time intervals. See the mandatory training requirements.

Worker competency

Workers’ competence should be monitored and feedback gathered to ensure that they continue to demonstrate the skills required for their role.