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Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Well-led services know the importance of ensuring an inclusive and fair culture applies as much to their own workforce as it does to the people they support.

The following film provides a summary of this area of inspection. It can help you and your teams learn about what will be inspected and what is important to demonstrate to deliver good or outstanding care.

Introducing Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Duration 01 min 44 sec

Well-led services know the importance of ensuring an inclusive and fair culture applies as much to their workforce as it does to the people they support.

A diverse workforce can help you to meet the diverse needs of the people you support. All regulated providers should recognise the value of improving the equality and equity of their workforce and continually strive to strengthen it.

Inspection focus may take a closer look at what you are doing around non-discriminatory practice and protecting people’s human rights. The CQC will also be interested in the systems and processes in place to support staff wellbeing, something they will have also touched upon in Caring inspection focus.

Expect interviews to predominantly focus on the staff team themselves, but inspectors will also talk with managers and potentially others who use and engage with your service.

Documented evidence needed might include polices and procedures related to workforce equality, diversity, and inclusion. Inspectors may want to see evidence of fair recruitment practices, reviews you have done into gender pay, how equality and diversity training is embedded across your service etc.

To learn more about how you can meet this area of CQC inspection, take a look at GO Online.

Watch the film here:


The practical resources below can help you to strengthen this area of CQC inspection. Use the filter to choose different types of resources or select based on related prompt.

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12 resource(s) found

Creating an inclusive organisation’ eLearning

Resource creator: Skills for Care

To help build confidence to improve equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across your organisation, our ‘Creating an inclusive organisation’ eLearning modules are for anyone working in social care who’d like to learn more about EDI.

The modules are primarily aimed at those from ethnic minority backgrounds as they’ve been designed to support learners to deal with specific challenges they may face in the sector. However, the modules may be of interest to anyone who is interested in EDI.

  • Learning

Date published: October 2023

Supporting a diverse workforce: Understanding racism

Resource creator: Skills for Care

The guide provides an introductory overview of current thinking and understanding of racism. It aims to:

  • raise awareness about the history of racism and show some of the forms that racism takes
  • provide a model that examines systemic racism.

It encourages reflection and discussion around understanding racism, the legal context and provides the opportunity to identify any actions to take forward.

  • Guide

Date published: February 2023

Improving equality, diversity and inclusion in your workplace

Resource creator: ACAS

This online resource helps employers to consider practical ways to drive forward improvements in your workplace regarding equality, diversity and inclusion.  It covers:

  • Making sure your workplace is inclusive
  • Dealing with unconscious bias
  • Checking equality, diversity and inclusion in your workplace
  • If employees do not feel included
  • Website

Date published: December 2022

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace

Resource creator: CiPD

CiPD has produced this factsheet which explores what workplace equality inclusion and diversity (EDI) means, and how an effective strategy is essential to an organisation’s business objectives.

It looks at the rationale for action and outlines steps organisations can take to implement and manage a successful EDI strategy, from recruitment, selection, retention, communication and training to addressing workplace behaviour and evaluating progress.

  • Guide

Date published: December 2022

Mental wellbeing and the workforce

Resource creator: Skills for Care

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the mental wellbeing of people from ethnic minority communities. Listen to the panel of experts discuss the history and impact of everyday discrimination, social inequalities and the effect these complex challenges and stresses can have on staff mental health and wellbeing. It also covers how risk assessments should be managed by organisations and what individuals can do to work and assist each other.

  • Guide

Date published: October 2021

How to become an anti-racist organisation

Resource creator: Skills for Care

This webinar explores the challenges an organisation may face when looking to become anti-racist, how they can embrace and understand race and what they should do to address the imbalance. 

  • Guide

Date published: October 2021

Moving Up

Resource creator: Skills for Care

The Moving Up programme is aimed at Black, Asian and minority ethnic leaders who are wanting to take the next step in their learning and development. The programme itself supports managers who have the desire and drive to progress in their career but are facing blockages and resistance preventing them from doing so.

Previous participants have come from local government, social care, commissioning organisations, charities, third sector, nurses and occupational health. Completion of the programme has resulted in participants progressing into roles including team leaders, managers, care coordinators and commissioners.

The Moving Up programme will be delivered through blended learning – a combination of self-learning modules and live online sessions.

  • Learning

Date published: October 2021

Building alliances to support the black, Asian and ethnic minority workforce

Resource creator: Skills for Care

This webinar focuses on addressing the challenges by reflecting on the history of the panels' lived experience and what strategies they've learnt and put into place to combat and protect themselves and the importance of networks and colleagues to build alliances with. This webinar illustrates that by understanding the problems, they're not solely those of people from a Black, Asian and ethnic minority; but belong to everyone and are everyone’s responsibility.

  • Guide

Date published: October 2021

Collaborations and supportive networks within organisations

Resource creator: Skills for Care

Whilst networking internally and building alliances is really important, understanding how to network with colleagues outside your organisation and the benefits this can bring is really important too.  This webinar identifies the challenges organisations, networks and individuals can face.

  • Guide

Date published: October 2021

Discrimination and care workers’ rights

Resource creator: Skills for Care

This webinar looked at the challenges of discrimination. It explore how people are discriminated against, the types of discrimination and what individuals can do to address this.

  • Guide

Date published: October 2021

Confident with Difference

Resource creator: Skills for Care

Confident with Difference resources allow you and your team to consider how well you currently embrace diversity, and what you could do to improve.

It consists of five short films with supporting activities; four are for managers and leaders to use with their teams and one film is aimed specifically at managers and organisation leaders. Each film is around three-four minutes long and is accompanied by a series of questions about workers’ own practices and the practices of their organisation. The films cover the following:

  • Film 1: What does being ‘confident with difference’ mean?
  • Film 2: Sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Film 3: Engaging with your community
  • Film 4: Beyond the label
  • Film 5: Leadership.

CQC recognise that leadership is vital to help to establish an inclusive service and improve equality. If you're required to complete a Provider Information Return (PIR), the CQC will want to know how your service has supported the needs of people with protected characteristics and these films will help you consider this.

  • Film
  • Guide

Date published: May 2019

Equally outstanding: equality and human rights - good practice resource

Resource creator: Care Quality Commission

This CQC resource aims to help providers put equality and human rights at the heart of their improvement work so that the quality of care gets better for everyone. It looks at case studies and identified nine common success factors, which are illustrated with examples.

The guide also looks at how:

  • focusing on equality and human rights can minimise the impact of challenges in times of financial constraint
  • commissioners, regulators and policy-makers can support providers to focus on this issue
  • equality and human rights can be advanced beyond provider boundaries - empowering people and communities and including area-based approaches to care.

The resource was produced in partnership with key healthcare and equality organisations. It’s complemented by additional case studies.

  • Guide

Date published: November 2018

Developed in partnership with