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GO Online: Inspection toolkit

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Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Safe care is reliant on organisations working well together to support people moving between services and ensuring there is a continuity of care when this happens. The CQC inspection will look at the systems, processes, and relationships you have in place to ensure this is as seamless and safe as possible.

The following film provides a summary of this area of inspection. It can help you and your teams learn about what will be inspected and what is important to demonstrate to deliver good or outstanding care.

Introducing Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Duration 01 min 22 sec

The CQC will be particularly interested in how your service ensures works with others to establish and maintain safe systems of care.

By getting this right, the CQC know that your and other services that you work with will be able to provide a safe continuity of care through the system, including when people move between different services.

This requires close and effective relationships with other services and a willingness to manage the best interests of the people you support when moving between different parts of the health and social care system.

To meet CQC expectations, your service will need to have robust systems and processes - and associated compliance – to meet people’s needs. There should also be clear and well documented plans for when people move between services.

It is important that staff share information effectively and securely about people’s care and treatment. This includes staff handovers within your service as well as your communications with other services engaged in the care you provide to an individual.

The CQC inspectors will want to interview the people you support, your staff team and other services you engage with as part of understanding whether you meet this area of inspection. They may also want to review documentation such as correspondence and referrals from other services.

To learn more about how you can meet this area of CQC inspection, take a look at GO Online.

Watch the film here:


The practical resources below can help you to strengthen this area of CQC inspection. Use the filter to choose different types of resources or select based on related prompt.

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12 resource(s) found

Secure Email Standard

Resource creator: Digitising Social Care

The following guidance details how to get secure email that meet the secure email standard (DCB1596).  

Any email containing health and care information sent to and from health and social care organisations must meet these standards.

  • Guide

Date published: November 2023

Who I am matters

Resource creator: Care Quality Commission (CQC)

This report looks what people with a learning disability and autistic people experience when they need physical health care and treatment in hospital.

  • Guide

Date published: November 2022

Data Security and Protection Toolkit

Resource creator: NHS Digital

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that all organisations must use if they have access to NHS patient data and systems.

  • Guide

Date published: February 2022

Core information standard

Resource creator: Professional Records Standard Body (PRSB)

Endorsed by professional bodies, national charities, PRSB Standards are closely aligned with NICE guidelines and help health and social care providers to align with best practice.

The Core Information Standard defines a set of information that can potentially be shared between systems in different sites and settings, among professionals and people using services.

  • Guide

Date published: November 2020

Hospital referral for assessment for community care and support

Resource creator: Professional Records Standard Body (PRSB)

Endorsed by professional bodies, national charities, PRSB Standards are closely aligned with NICE guidelines and help health and social care providers to align with best practice.

Whilst the standard is for hospitals, the information will be useful to community based adult social care providers to understand what hospitals must determine when it is safe to discharge a person and implement a discharge plan.

It helps adult social care providers to better understand the decision-making process expected of hospital staff to determine whether the person needs to be referred for an assessment to establish ongoing care and support in the community after discharge.

  • Guide

Date published: November 2020

Urgent transfer from care home to hospital

Resource creator: Professional Records Standard Body (PRSB)

Endorsed by professional bodies, national charities, PRSB Standards are closely aligned with NICE guidelines and help health and social care providers to align with best practice.

The urgent transfer from care home to hospital standard is the information required for the care and support of a person when they are admitted to hospital from a care home in an emergency.

  • Guide

Date published: November 2020

Hospital bag checklist

Resource creator: Skills for Care

This resource details what should be included in a service users Hospital bag, so if they need to go to hospital in an emergency they have everything ready to go with them in the ambulance. 

  • Guide

Date published: December 2019

Transitioning between inpatient mental health settings and community or care home settings (QS159)

Resource creator: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

This is the NICE quality standard on transitions for children, young people and adults between mental health hospitals and their own homes, care homes or other community settings. It includes statements and measures on:

  • communication and joint working across adults' and children's services
  • access to independent advocacy services.

The statements are specific and concise and focus on priorities for quality improvement. Please see statement 2.

  • Guide
  • Film

Date published: September 2017

Building independence through planning for transition: a quick guide

Resource creator: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

This is a short and visually appealing guide for practitioners supporting young people, containing key information from the relevant NICE guidance.

  • Guide

Date published: June 2017

Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs (QS136)

Resource creator: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

This NICE Quality Standard advocates that adults with social care needs who are admitted to hospital should have existing care plans shared with the admitting team. 

  • Guide

Date published: December 2016

Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs (QS136)

Resource creator: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

This NICE Quality Standard advocates that adults with social care needs who are admitted to hospital should have existing care plans shared with the admitting team. 

  • Guide

Date published: December 2016

Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services

Resource creator: National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

  • Guide

Date published: February 2016

Developed in partnership with