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GO Online: Inspection toolkit

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Providing information

Timely information, effective communication, and the best use of available technologies to support this are important factors of responsive care.

The following film provides a summary of this area of inspection. It can help you and your teams learn about what will be inspected and what is important to demonstrate to deliver good or outstanding care.

Introducing Providing information

Duration 01 min 53 sec

Whatever information you provide to people, this should be tailored to meet their individual needs.

To be responsive, you will need to provide timely and accurate information that is. effectively communicated in a way that it can be clearly understood.

Training and support can help your team to improve their communication, but you should look at how needs might be met by the latest technologies too.

The CQC will be looking at compliance with the Accessible Information Standard, so ensure your ways of working align with this. Inspectors are likely to take a close look at providing accessible information about a person’s care to assure themselves that the service is open and transparent.

A good understanding and careful compliance with GDPR across the team will also be needed. Be prepared to share examples and evidence of what you do to protect personal data whilst not limiting your communication with individuals.

CQC inspectors may choose to interview people about how skilled staff are in how they communicate, how information is shared, and how they check understanding to ensure the care that is provided is an informed choice.

Managers may be asked about how they selected technologies, whilst staff may be asked about how they were trained to help people use the different systems available.

Documented evidence you may need to provide include staff training on subjects including information and use of technology. They may also ask to see records detailing people’s communication needs, their preferences and what communication aids are used.

GO Online brings together recommendations, practical examples, and resources to help.

Watch the film here:


The practical resources below can help you to strengthen this area of CQC inspection. Use the filter to choose different types of resources or select based on related prompt.

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7 resource(s) found

Good record keeping

Resource creator: The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

This guide aims to help care providers learn from its complaints involving record keeping. Among the complaints the Ombudsman receives from people receiving independently provided care, poor record keeping is commonly a factor when things have gone wrong.

The guide focuses on a number of case studies highlighting the common issues the Ombudsman sees, and also includes good practice tips to help providers avoid the problems from occurring in their own settings.

  • Guide

Date published: February 2023

The UK Caldicott Guardian Council

Resource creator: The UK Caldicott Guardian Council

A Caldicott Guardian is a senior role for an organisation which processes health and social care personal data. They make sure that the personal information about those who use the organisation’s services is used legally, ethically and appropriately, and that confidentiality is maintained.

  • Guide

Date published: November 2022

Supporting people with a learning disability to use technology and stay connected

Resource creator: Skills for Care

Prior to the pandemic it was widely accepted that many people with a learning disability were experiencing digital exclusion.  This blog from Jane Seale of the Open University looks at her research examining how people with a learning disability were being supported to use technologies to keep connected during the pandemic.

  • Guide

Date published: May 2022

Accessible Information Standard

Resource creator: Care Quality Commission

This guide will help you to meet the Accessible Information Standard which all providers of NHS care or other publicly-funded adult social care must meet.

AIS applies to people who use a service and have information or communication needs because of a disability, impairment or sensory loss
It covers the needs of people who are deaf/Deaf, blind, or deafblind, or who have a learning disability.

  • Guide

Date published: May 2022

Data Security and Protection Toolkit

Resource creator: NHS Digital

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that all organisations must use if they have access to NHS patient data and systems.

  • Guide

Date published: February 2022

How digital-ready is your organisation?

Resource creator: Skills for Care

The first step in introducing digital technology into your organisation is assessing where you are now and how you can introduce digital technology into your workplace processes and practices.

The resources on this page will help you assess your progress towards the use of digital in your service, and then help plan to further develop your digital skills and infrastructure.

  • Guide
  • Learning

Date published: July 2021

Cyber security and data protection

Resource creator: Skills for Care

Organisations have a responsibility to ensure they’re cyber secure. Safeguards are needed to avoid or reduce any disruption from an attack on data, computers or mobile devices. Security breaches with digital information can be more severe than with paper records as information can be distributed more easily and to a far wider audience.

The resources found here will help you learn more about cyber security and how to improve it for your service, as well as helping you bring your service into line with CQC and NHSmail requirements around this issue.

  • Guide
  • Website

Date published: July 2021

Developed in partnership with