Skills for Care

Single Assessment Framework version

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GO Online: Inspection toolkit

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Care provision, integration and continuity

Being responsive means being aware of and effectively connected into the wider health and social care sector, including understanding how this works at a system level.

The following film provides a summary of this area of inspection. It can help you and your teams learn about what will be inspected and what is important to demonstrate to deliver good or outstanding care.

Introducing Care provision, integration and continuity

Duration 01 min 17 sec

Responsive care looks at how your service is joined up with others in the local community, including healthcare to provide effective continuity of care and seamless service.

With health and care provision continuing to evolve, the CQC will want to know how you ensure your service is effectively engaged with others and these relationships support you to better support people’s choices.

Be prepared to explain how you connect with the wider community and manage relationships with changing healthcare systems to best serve the people you support. Share examples about how such connections and effective ways of working enable better continuity of care, support, and treatment.

The CQC inspectors may want to interview people, managers, and staff from across your service, but they also want to speak to external organisations you are connected with. This may include reviewing feedback from community groups, voluntary organisations, local authorities, and Integrated Care Systems.

To learn more about how you can meet this area of CQC inspection, take a look at GO Online.

Watch the film here:

CQC focus


What is the CQC Quality Statement?

We understand the diverse health and care needs of people and our local communities, so care is joined-up, flexible and supports choice and continuity.

What sub-topics might the CQC look at when inspecting this?

  • Availability and provision of services
  • Eligibility/funding
  • Continuity of care, support and treatment

How does this part of the inspection relate to CQC Regulations and guidance?

How will the CQC gather evidence?

The CQC will primarily gather evidence by:

  • People's Experience
  • Feedback from staff and leaders
  • Feedback from partners
  • Processes

Read more about this Quality Statement

  • The CQC have published further insight into what this Quality Statement means, including the I Statements and which legislation it relates to on their website here.