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GO Online: Inspection toolkit

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Kindness, compassion and dignity

It’s important that everybody working for your service provides high levels of kindness and compassion to the people they support, as well as others they engage with within your service and beyond.

The following film provides a summary of this area of inspection. It can help you and your teams learn about what will be inspected and what is important to demonstrate to deliver good or outstanding care.

Introducing Kindness, compassion and dignity

Duration 01 min 53 sec

The CQC will want to be assured that your service always treats people with kindness, compassion, dignity, and respect.

Kindness and compassion should be a part of everyday care. Your team should be given the time to not only perform their duties but to build relationships. Their care, compassion and empathy should be genuine, something which is only possible if you have recruited the right people, led by strong values.

You should consider how you match your team with the people they support and staff should be effective in how they communicate and ensure that they are understood. People’s privacy and confidentiality is important to them, so the CQC will want to know how you protect this.

The people you support will have many different emotional needs so it will be important to ensure your team can effectively respond to these. This may require additional training and support.

When interviewing people, the CQC inspectors will want to know how they are treated by staff. When speaking to your staff, they will want to discussion their experiences getting to know the people they support. In some care environments, the inspector will also want to observe how the staff interact with people. Managers may be asked about how you ensure the service is not a closed culture that can lead to harm.

In terms of documentation, the inspectors may choose to review:

  • care plans
  • records of compliments and complaints
  • staff training and induction
  • and Policies and procedures covering subjects such as privacy, dignity, data management.

In GO Online you will find recommendations, examples, and resources to help you meet this area of CQC inspection.

Watch the film here:

Practical examples

The examples below provide insight into how other Good or Outstanding rated services are succeeding in this area of inspection. Use the filter to choose different types of examples or select based on related prompt.

If you have an example you would like to share, please e-mail

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2 example(s) found

Building a family of trust

In this one-minute audio clip from the Care Exchange podcast, Aeon Anderson talks about how instilling working as a family within their mental health service and building trust is essential to providing good care.

You can listen to the full podcast here. Access our whole Care Exchange series here.

Read more about this service here.

Care provider: African Caribbean Community Initiative

  • Audio

Date published: May 2023

Creating a caring culture

In this two-minute audio clip from the Care Exchange podcast, Marlene Kelly explains how she helped to embed a caring culture when she joined the home as a new manager.

You can listen to the full podcast here and access our latest episodes of The Care Exchange here.

Read more about Marlene's service here.

Care provider: Auburn Mere

  • Audio

Date published: January 2021

Developed in partnership with