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57 results found for 'The State of the Adult Social Care Sector and Workforce'


The State of the Adult Social Care Sector and Workforce 2023

The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England report 2023.


Impact Evaluation of Skills for Care 2018-21 Exec

Skills for Care impact evaluation 2022.


A Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care in England

For the first time ever, the adult social care sector has come together, led by Skills for Care, to develop the Workforce Strategy it needs. Adult social care needs a workforce strategy to ensure we have enough of the right people with the right skills to provide the best possible care and support for the people who draw on it. Discover the Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care in England.


New starters' experience - phase 1 research report

Almost half of new starters leave within the first year. This research suggest the best ways to retain new starters and reduce the cost of recruitment.


Evidence review and consultation analysis

Evidence review and consultation analysis to underpin the SfC strategy


Service Assumptions Report

Service Assumptions Report. - Workforce strategy


The workforce employed by adult social services departments, England 2022 Final

The workforce employed by adult social services departments England 2022


Pay in ASC sector 2023

Pay in ASC sector 2023


Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy Event Transcript

Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy Event Transcript


Supporting a diverse workforce: Understanding racism

This introductory overview gives a current thinking and understanding about racism, aiming to raise awareness about the history of racism and show some of the forms that racism takes and providing a model that examines systemic racism. It encourages reflection and discussion around understanding racism and the legal context, providing an opportunity to identify any actions to take forward.

Showing 1 to 10 of 57