
Skills for Care

If you're based in South West England, join us for a day of celebration, reflection and inspiration. There will be exciting updates, opportunities to network, information from sector experts and much more. 

Leading social care now and in the future - Attract and retain, train and transform

Thursday 6 March | 10:00 - 15:00 | Taunton

Book your place



Event overview

With so many changes, challenges, advancements and opportunities it’s vital that as a sector we grow and develop to meet the needs of our communities, both now and in the future.

This event, for people in the South West region, will focus on adopting different ways of working and encouraging transformation of your workforce through utilising existing and new practices and frameworks to attract, retain and train staff. 


What you'll get out of the day

  • gain an insight into the Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care and what progress has been made so far to implement it
  • listen to the experience of others who are implementing some of the Government reforms, especially the care certificate.
  • understand how the Care Workforce Pathway has been adopted by others and can be used to enhance your recruitment and retention practices, as well as provide a training framework.  
  • learn about ways to transform your workforce through innovations such as Artificial Intelligence
  • take part in discussions with peers and speakers throughout the day including a panel with our experts by experience (panel to be recorded for a podcast).
  • hear from regional colleagues from across the sector who will share opportunities and good practice.


Who should attend?

  • registered managers and deputies
  • system workforce leads
  • local authority quality and workforce teams
  • individual employers
  • anyone with a passion or remit for workforce development.

…within the South West area. 

Refreshments and lunch included.