
Skills for Care

DBS disclosure and barring workshops

Lizzie Whittington, Regional Outreach Adviser for DBS in the Midlands, is leading two Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) workshops aimed at anyone involved in recruitment in adult social care.

DBS disclosure and barring workshops

DBS Workshop 1 - disclosure

Date: Thursday 3 April

Time: 13:00 – 15:00 

Location: online


DBS Workshop 2 - barring

Date: Thursday 10 April

Time: 13:00 – 15:00  

Location: online

Book your place 



DBS workshop 1 - disclosure

If you work in recruitment in adult social care, you'll know how important it is to apply for the right level of DBS checks for staff working with vulnerable adults.

At this first workshop, you'll meet DBS Regional Outreach Adviser, Lizzie Whittington, who'll be covering the need-to-know details of DBS checks, from how the relevant legislation affects what level of check is right for a certain role to how to respond to disclosure information on a DBS certificate.

The workshop will support you to understand how DBS checks can play an important part in your safer recruitment practices, including:

  • the benefits of DBS and your organisation working together
  • the different levels of DBS checks
  • the filtering guidelines
  • when an employee is eligible for a check
  • the DBS update service
  • what Regulated Activity is.

Sector-specific examples will be shared to help you apply the eligibility rules to your workplace or setting and there'll be opportunities for questions.


DBS workshop 2 - barring

DBS plays an important part in the safeguarding environment and maintains the Children and Adult’s Barred List on behalf of the government. An individual can be placed on the barred list if they are deemed to be a risk of harm to either or both the children’s or adult’s workforce and are then legally from barred from working in relevant positions.

One of the most important ways that DBS receives information regarding potential harm is through barring referrals submitted directly from employers, Regulated Activity Providers and Personnel Suppliers.

In this workshop, Lizzie Whittington, Regional Outreach Adviser for DBS in the East Midlands, will explain what the legal duty is for such organisations to make DBS barring referrals and what the process to place someone on the barred list entails. Through some discussion points and interactive activities, she'll recap on the meaning of Regulated Activity and cover how to make a good quality barring referral as well as how DBS can work with your organisation to protect the vulnerable people in your care.

The workshop will support you to understand:

  • Barring processes at the DBS
  • when a DBS Barring referral should be made, including when the legal duty is met
  • how to make a good quality Barring referral
  • what Regulated Activity is
  • what ‘Relevant Conduct’ and the ‘Harm Test’ is
  • the potential consequences of not making appropriate Barring referrals and the consequences of being included in one or both Barred Lists.


Who should attend?

  • Anyone involved in recruitment in adult social care.



Don’t miss out on the chance to learn more about DBS disclosure and barring. You can choose to attend one or both of the workshops. Register now to secure your place.


DBS Workshop 1 - disclosure

Date: Thursday 3 April

Time: 13:00 – 15:00 

Location: online


DBS Workshop 2 - barring

Date: Thursday 10 April

Time: 13:00 – 15:00  

Location: online


Book your place today


When you book your place, you’ll receive a confirmation email with joining instructions.