
Skills for Care

At Skills for Care, we know the importance of making connections outside your own organisation, the power of peer support and the value of providing a safe space where you can be open and support each other’s challenges.

That is why we facilitate many different networks for leaders and managers at all levels. These include our local networks for registered managers, our regional deputy manager networks, and our regional networks for CEOs and nominated individuals.

Over 96% of those who do attend a Skills for Care network would recommend joining one, so why not come along to learn more.


Local networks for managers

Skills for Care supports over 130 local networks across England. They offer an opportunity for registered managers to come together in their local area and in a safe space to connect with peers, share knowledge and hear from a range of guest speakers, including local CQC inspection teams and Integrated Care System (ICS) representatives.

Deputy manager networks

Our deputy manager networks provide the opportunity for deputies, including team leaders and aspiring leaders, to share experiences, challenges and solutions and to learn with others. The networks help reduce or address feelings of isolation and offer valuable peer support.

Nominated individual and CEO networks near you

Our NI and CEO networks provide a space for meaningful strategic collaboration with other leaders, managers, system leaders and stakeholders. The networks discuss the implications of national, regional and local strategies and opportunities for providers and their workforce. The NI networks also provide more of an understanding of the NI role and their responsibility to the CQC.

Skills for Care support in your area

Get in touch with your locality manager who can signpost you to a network near you, provide information relevant to your needs, share best practices and can connect you with other local groups and events you may find useful.


Find your local network

PDF - 391 KB

Our networks cover every local authority area in England - find your local network and the contact details of your locality manager within the network directory. (Last updated 10 February 2025).

Other resources and useful links

Power of networks

Local network attendee case studies