Skills for Care

Single Assessment Framework version

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GO Online: Inspection toolkit

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Equity in experiences and outcomes

The CQC want to know how you protect people from experiencing inequalities related to their care and treatment.

The following film provides a summary of this area of inspection. It can help you and your teams learn about what will be inspected and what is important to demonstrate to deliver good or outstanding care.

Introducing Equity in experiences and outcomes

Duration 01 min 19 sec

The CQC will want to know how you protect people from experiencing inequalities related to their care and treatment. This will not only look at your own service but how you protect the people you support when they engage with other services in the community.

Inspectors will want to know how you tailor care, support, and treatment to avoid any inequalities and ensure people have equal access. This will require managers and staff to know about the barriers to care and treatment, and how to mitigate these in the day-to-day delivery of care.

The CQC will likely want to hear about how you support people with diverse needs around such matters. For some services, this may include your work with hard-to-reach groups in the community.

Expect the CQC to gather evidence primarily from interviewing the people you support, managers and staff, but potentially other groups and organisations you engage within the wider community too.

Be prepared to evidence how you encourage and enable people to share their experiences.

To learn more about how you can meet this area of CQC inspection, take a look at GO Online.

Watch the film here:


These recommendations act as a checklist to what the CQC will be looking for. Skills for Care has reviewed hundreds of inspection reports and identified these recommendations as recurring good practice in providers that meet CQC expectations.

The CQC is non-prescriptive, which means they don’t tell you what must be done in order to meet their Quality Statement. These recommendations are not intended to be a definitive list and some recommendations might not be relevant to your service. We hope they help you reflect on what evidence you might wish to share with the CQC.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

  • We empower people to share their views on barriers to care and treatment, and we can evidence what action we have taken to address these.
  • We tailor our support to remove any risk of people receiving poorer care and support due to inequalities.
  • We effectively mitigate against inequalities in both the day-to-day delivery of care, as well as our longer-term commitment to addressing the root causes.
  • Our managers and staff are effectively trained to be capable and confident in challenging inequalities impacting people’s experiences and outcomes.
  • We regularly discuss inequalities with the people we support, our staff team and external experts to continually improve how we successfully address such issues.
  • We benchmark ourselves with other services to ensure that how we support people to address inequalities aligns with latest good and best practice.
  • We work with other partners and the wider community to challenge systematic inequalities experienced by the people we support.
  • We clearly document how we have supported people and successfully addressed inequalities to achieve better experiences and outcomes.
  • Where appropriate to the care needs of our community, we are proactive in reaching and supporting people from hard-to-reach groups.
  • We can provide documented evidence detailing how we have identified and addressed issues that could have impacted people’s experiences and outcomes.

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