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GO Online: Inspection toolkit

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Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Well-led services know the importance of ensuring an inclusive and fair culture applies as much to their own workforce as it does to the people they support.

The following film provides a summary of this area of inspection. It can help you and your teams learn about what will be inspected and what is important to demonstrate to deliver good or outstanding care.

Introducing Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Duration 01 min 44 sec

Well-led services know the importance of ensuring an inclusive and fair culture applies as much to their workforce as it does to the people they support.

A diverse workforce can help you to meet the diverse needs of the people you support. All regulated providers should recognise the value of improving the equality and equity of their workforce and continually strive to strengthen it.

Inspection focus may take a closer look at what you are doing around non-discriminatory practice and protecting people’s human rights. The CQC will also be interested in the systems and processes in place to support staff wellbeing, something they will have also touched upon in Caring inspection focus.

Expect interviews to predominantly focus on the staff team themselves, but inspectors will also talk with managers and potentially others who use and engage with your service.

Documented evidence needed might include polices and procedures related to workforce equality, diversity, and inclusion. Inspectors may want to see evidence of fair recruitment practices, reviews you have done into gender pay, how equality and diversity training is embedded across your service etc.

To learn more about how you can meet this area of CQC inspection, take a look at GO Online.

Watch the film here:

Practical examples

The examples below provide insight into how other Good or Outstanding rated services are succeeding in this area of inspection. Use the filter to choose different types of examples or select based on related prompt.

If you have an example you would like to share, please e-mail

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14 example(s) found

What equality, diversity and inclusion means in the workplace

In this blog, Baidar Khan, Registered Manager, Lets Care All discussed what equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace means.

Read more about this service here.

Care provider: Lets Care All

  • Case study

Date published: July 2023

Supporting staff protected characteristics

The service enabled open communication with staff and people taking account of their protected characteristics. Leaders gave examples where they had ensured a positive culture regarding staff protected characteristics.

Staff and managers were taking positive steps to ensure there was open dialogue when appropriate to remove stigma. Where staff or managers were identified as being dyslexic, equipment was provided to support them in their work. 

Read more about this service here.

Care provider: Avenues South East

  • Case study

Date published: November 2022

Equal gender pay

 The provider had been monitoring the gender pay gap within their workforce for many years and were  actively ensuring that gender inequality was addressed.

The provider had undertaken an internal monitoring programme around recruitment and equal promotion opportunities and took action to ensure  that women had an equal opportunity to undertake higher paid and senior management roles.

Read more about this service here.

Care provider: Avenues South East

  • Case study

Date published: November 2022

Why we need more leaders from Black, Asian, and minority ethnic backgrounds in social care

In this Blog, Munira Thobani one of Skills for Care’s board members shares her insights on the importance of encouraging diversity at senior levels in social care.

Care provider: Skills for Care

  • Case study

Date published: October 2022

Why social care teams need to reflect the communities they support

In this Blog, we spoke with social worker Nawal Taha, who previously ran her own domiciliary care provider, about how important it is for social care teams to reflect the multicultural communities they support.

Care provider: Skills for Care

  • Case study

Date published: October 2022

How the Moving Up programme supported me and now my team

In this Blog, we speak to Thomptiana Thompson about how she has seen the impact of our Moving Up Programme from both a participant and an employer’s perspective.

Care provider: Skills for Care

  • Case study

Date published: October 2022

Inspiring bravery in the boardroom

In this Blog, we speak with Monique Carayol, Leadership and Talent Development Coach and co-founder of the Bravery in the Boardroom movement, about how to encourage diversity in social care leadership.

Care provider: Skills for Care

  • Case study

Date published: October 2022

How this training provider is helping to support apprenticeships for a diverse workforce

In this Blog, training provider Access Skills explain their approach to supporting apprentices from diverse backgrounds. 

Care provider: Access Skills

  • Case study

Date published: August 2022

Making strategic and sustainable changes to support equality

We spoke with Skills for Care Board Member and leadership coach Munira Thobani about what it means to make sustainable changes to support equality.

Read the full interview here.

Care provider: Skills for Care

  • Case study

Date published: February 2022

Why we need to strive for equity, not just equality

We spoke to Clenton Farquharson, Director of Community Navigator Services CIC and individual employer, about what it means to strive for race equity across social care and our society.

Read the full interview here.

Care provider: Community Navigator Services CIC

  • Case study

Date published: February 2022

The fight for diversity

Carol Burt, Director of the Paul Clarke (Staffordshire) Community Interest Company and board member of the Sickle Cell Society spoke with Skills for Care about her experience as a Black person climbing the ladder in social care, and the challenges she’s experienced and witnessed around diversity in the sector.

Read the full interview here.

Care provider: Skills for Care

  • Case study

Date published: October 2021

Celebrating diversity

In this Blog, Steven Onasanya, an assessor at Lambeth Council Adult Social Care, shares his experience of working in social care and his experiences and insights of diversity and equality in the sector.

Care provider: Lambeth Council Adult Social Care

  • Case study

Date published: October 2021

How you can deliver better care with a diverse workforce

In this three-minute audio clip from the Care Exchange podcast, Kate Terroni from the CQC talks about why having a diverse workforce can help businesses to deliver better outcomes for people.

You can listen to the full podcast here. Access our whole Care Exchange series here.

Care provider: Care Quality Commission (CQC)

  • Audio

Date published: October 2021

Support for promoting equality and diversity among social care teams

Supporting equality and diversity among the social care sector is a core element of our strategy and all our work at Skills for Care.

Read more about this here.

Care provider: Skills for Care

  • Case study

Date published: October 2021

Developed in partnership with