
Since the launch of the Strategy in July 2024, the sector has continued to work together to take forward the recommendations and commitments.

We’ll continually update this page with our progress on implementation.


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Skills for Care has acted swiftly to meet the ‘Train’ recommendation to streamline statutory and mandatory training requirements. A guide for employers is now available. Skills for Care is working with CQC who will signpost to and share the new guidance.


Because we're human too: Why dementia training for care workers matters, and how to deliver it (November 2024)

This report from the Alzheimer Society makes an evidence-based case for mandatory dementia training for the adult social care workforce, demonstrating the benefits it can bring to the lives of people living with dementia and their families, care staff, care providers, and our wider health and care system.The report supports the ‘Train’ recommendation that all workers should have dementia training aligned to the Dementia Training Standards Framework and roles within the Care Workforce Pathway.


‘I can’t see myself doing this forever’: younger people’s experiences of working in adult social care

This report from The Kings Fund looks at what social care can do to recruit and retain more younger workers, one of the ‘Attract’ recommendations in the Strategy.