A big part of your safeguarding responsibilities is making sure your workforce, including any volunteers and non-care staff, have the right skills and knowledge to recognise actual or potential abuse or neglect.
You can do this by:
- Including safeguarding in induction.
- Regularly checking staff understanding and practice.
- Having a safeguarding champion, whose role is to be a specialist in this area, researching best practice and providing staff with advice and support.
- Regularly including safeguarding discussions in staff supervision and team meeting – you could collect and share case studies or practice stories to show how staff should respond in different scenarios.
- Being open about your approach to safeguarding with people using your services and their families.
- Commissioning high quality training:
- ensure that learning providers understand safeguarding from an adult social care perspective, and in the context of your service
- understand how the training meets the requirements of people who use your service
- work with learning providers who’ll share knowledge across your whole organisation rather than limiting it to a computer screen.